Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A great promotion by Kumpulan Hardware!

Ok! since we started to go online, We have decided to announce our promotions online as well ! Here, in Kumpulan Hardware, we have wide variety of products -literally anything you can think of!- and we were thinking, why not we make a promotion for our awesome looking Grade B doors. Its an 8 panel door with no varnish and paint so you have the liberty to customize your door whatever way you wish to! However, we thought a door is totally useless without a lock and handle. So, we have included a very good quality (and of course,good looking) lock-set from Rinocon company. Here, a sample of Rinocon lock-set if you wish to see how your future lock-set is going to look like: 
Looks cool right ? So, we have decided to give this lock away for every Grade B door purchase FOR FREE! no, we are not gone mad, we just value our customer needs and believe in making solutions for them anyhow we can. So, I guess by now you have been irritated by my long story about this door, well, sorry about that! here is a picture of our grade B door:
So, this is our hero in this promotion, the great grade B door! we have set the price on RM250 per piece with no varnish and paint, the only thing limits you is your creativity! By the way! we have a very special Mystery Gift with every purchase of our promotioned doors. It will not be revealed until you make it here and ask us to show it to you. So, hurry up ! we have limited stock and we are already selling it fast! make your way to Kumpulan Hardware in Jalan Bukit, Kajang! See ya!

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