Monday, April 11, 2016

Defeat the Mosquitoes!

Alright! I guess we will be posting a lot today since I've seen a lot of awesome products in our store which deserve to be mentioned here!
All of us know that we are going through the El Nino and this coupled up with the constant hot weather of Malaysia to create the hottest point in the history of mankind (I'm just exaggerating of course :D). Being hot itself is a huge problem, specially for those people who need to continuously go outside of their "Air-conditioned Green Zone" and get some jobs done. We feel what you feel and we have a global solution for it - no I'm not promoting any product right now- : try to reduce the usage of your vehicle and your carbon foot print and hopefully everything should be fine.


So, this Mr. El Nino doesnt only affect the human brain, I mean it drives us mad sometimes, due to the hot weather, but we are not the only mad ones in this world! well, in most part of Malaysia, mosquitoes also go mad by hot weather and since we are the one to blame, they brutally bite us!
I personally hate mosquito bites because its just simply annoying , who likes mosquito bites anyway ?

Every evening when I reach home, I stock up my mosquito replant spray, put on helmet and turn into a warrior to protect my family, but they usually outnumber us and they often have more deadly weapon in compare to us!


We have come to this realization that mosquito sprays are not as useful as it was before, maybe due to mosquito evolution (or their genius war tactic against us, I honestly dont know!). So few days ago I put our company motto into test to find a solution for my problem. as the motto goes : "All you need" I was looking for "All I need" inside the store when I saw this mosquito repellent device which did not require any liquid or medicine or bullet (or whatever other mosquito repellents require to function). You simply need to plug it into the wall and let the magic happens!

Its a very efficient device which uses very little electricity to function and it is indeed very effective to repel those mosquitoes !
So, up your game in war against the mosquitoes and defeat them once and for all!

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